Best Free Web Analytics Tools for Small Businesses

published on 21 August 2024

As a small business owner, you understand the importance of tracking your website's performance. However, investing in expensive analytics tools may not be feasible for your budget. Fortunately, there are several free web analytics tools available that can provide valuable insights into your site's traffic and user behavior. In this article, you'll discover the best free web statistics options for small businesses, including free Google Analytics alternatives. You'll learn how these tools can help you monitor key metrics, analyze visitor engagement, and make data-driven decisions to improve your online presence—all without breaking the bank. Let's explore the top free web analytics solutions to boost your small business's digital strategy.

CountVisits! Web Analytics Tool for Busy Founders

Image from CountVisits

One-time Payment Model

CountVisits offers a unique one-time payment model, allowing you to pay once and use the tool forever. This approach eliminates the need for recurring monthly fees, making it an affordable choice for busy founders and small businesses.

Designed for Founders

CountVisits is specifically designed to cater to the needs of SaaS and web directory founders. With its user-friendly interface and customizable features, you can easily track and analyze your website's performance without the need for extensive coding knowledge.

AI-Powered Insights

One of the standout features of CountVisits is its AI agent, which acts like a dedicated analytics department. The AI agent provides insightful recommendations and actionable insights, helping you make data-driven decisions to optimize your website's performance.

Privacy-Focused Tracking

In today's data-conscious world, CountVisits prioritizes privacy by offering cookie-free tracking. This approach ensures compliance with GDPR regulations, allowing you to gather valuable insights while respecting your users' privacy.

Customizable Dashboards

CountVisits empowers you to create customized dashboards tailored to your specific needs. With no coding required, you can easily build and tweak the look and settings of your dashboard, ensuring you have access to the most relevant data at a glance.

Integration and Reporting

CountVisits seamlessly integrates with the Unicorn Platform and allows you to visualize data from various sources in a single location. Additionally, it offers daily reports and alerts, keeping you informed about your website's performance and any significant traffic shifts.

Gain valuable insights into your audience's behavior by tracking clicks on external links. This feature allows you to understand which external resources resonate with your visitors, enabling you to refine your content strategy accordingly.

With its unique one-time payment model, AI-powered insights, privacy-focused tracking, and customizable features, CountVisits emerges as a compelling web analytics solution for busy founders seeking an affordable and user-friendly alternative to traditional analytics tools.

Web Analytics for Busy Founders in 2024

Image from CountVisits

Pay Once, Use Forever

With CountVisits' one-time pricing model, busy founders can access comprehensive web analytics without recurring subscription fees. This pay-once, use-forever approach eliminates the stress of managing monthly bills, freeing up time and resources for other business priorities.

Zero Configuration Required

CountVisits is designed specifically for busy SaaS and directory founders, offering a seamless, code-free setup process. Its user-friendly interface allows you to effortlessly build custom dashboards tailored to your unique needs, without the need for technical expertise.

AI-Powered Insights

Leveraging advanced AI capabilities, CountVisits functions as your dedicated analytics employee, providing insightful recommendations akin to a human analyst. This AI-driven approach ensures you stay informed about critical website performance metrics and traffic patterns, empowering data-driven decision-making.

Transparent "Build in Public" Approach

For founders embracing the "build in public" philosophy, CountVisits offers a fully customizable public dashboard. This transparency feature enables you to showcase your website's growth and analytics openly, fostering trust and engagement with your audience.

GDPR Compliance and Privacy

Prioritizing user privacy, CountVisits operates as a cookie-free, GDPR-compliant analytics solution, ensuring your data collection practices align with the latest regulations. This ethical approach not only protects your visitors' privacy but also enhances customer trust in your brand.

One-time deal - Pay once and use CountVisits forever

The Ultimate Analytics Solution

CountVisits is the ultimate web analytics tool designed for busy founders and entrepreneurs. With its revolutionary one-time payment model, you can enjoy all the powerful features without worrying about recurring costs. Pay once, and use CountVisits forever.

Effortless Dashboard Setup

Say goodbye to the stress of building dashboards from scratch. CountVisits offers a seamless, code-free experience, allowing you to easily create and customize your analytics dashboard. Tweak the look and settings to fit your unique needs, ensuring a personalized experience tailored to your business.

Unleash Your Public Dashboard

The full control over your public dashboard makes CountVisits a game-changer for those embracing the "build in public" approach. Showcase your progress, engage with your community, and foster transparency, all while benefiting from valuable insights.

Privacy and Compliance, Guaranteed

With CountVisits, you can rest assured that your data is handled with the utmost care. As a GDPR-compliant tool, it operates without cookies, eliminating potential privacy concerns and ensuring regulatory compliance.

Seamless Integration and Versatility

CountVisits seamlessly integrates with the Unicorn Platform, allowing you to visualize data from various sources in one centralized location. Track custom events, monitor external link clicks, and receive performance alerts, all within a single, comprehensive solution.

With its unbeatable one-time pricing and a wealth of features, CountVisits empowers busy founders to make data-driven decisions, streamline their analytics processes, and drive their businesses forward without breaking the bank.

No stress dashboard building - Zero coding required! Easily build your dashboard

With CountVisits, building customized dashboards is a breeze, even for non-technical founders. This powerful web analytics tool eliminates the need for coding, allowing you to effortlessly create visually appealing dashboards tailored to your specific needs.

Drag-and-Drop Interface

CountVisits' intuitive drag-and-drop interface empowers you to design your dashboard with ease. Effortlessly arrange charts, graphs, and data visualizations to showcase your website's performance metrics in a clear and organized manner.

Customizable Styling

Personalize your dashboard's appearance to align with your brand's identity. Tweak colors, fonts, and layout settings with a few clicks, ensuring a cohesive and professional look that resonates with your audience.

Data Visualization Toolkit

Leverage CountVisits' comprehensive data visualization toolkit to bring your website's analytics to life. From line charts and bar graphs to pie charts and heatmaps, this tool offers a wide array of options to effectively communicate your data's story.

By eliminating the need for coding and providing a user-friendly interface, CountVisits ensures that even the busiest founders can create stunning, informative dashboards without stress or technical barriers.

Full control over public dashboard - Great for #buildinpublic

Transparent Analytics Sharing

CountVisits offers a standout feature that's perfect for founders embracing the "build in public" approach - full control over a public dashboard. With this, you can easily customize the look, layout, and data displayed, allowing you to share your website's analytics transparently with your audience.

As a busy founder, this empowers you to be open about your journey, fostering trust and community engagement without compromising privacy. According to CountVisits, their tool is designed specifically with SaaS and directory founders in mind.

Customizable Insights

Not only can you decide what metrics to showcase, but CountVisits also leverages AI to provide insights akin to a human analyst. This way, you can share meaningful, contextual data that resonates with your audience.

The public dashboard is fully customizable, allowing you to tweak settings, visualizations, and even integrate data from various sources. This level of control ensures your public analytics align perfectly with your brand and messaging.

Privacy-Focused Approach

What's more, CountVisits takes a privacy-first approach, being fully GDPR compliant without using cookies or tracking personal data. As highlighted in their guide, this enables you to share insights transparently while respecting user privacy.

With the ability to build a public dashboard tailored to your needs, CountVisits empowers founders to embrace the "build in public" ethos, fostering trust and engagement through transparent, AI-powered, and privacy-conscious analytics sharing.

Prioritizing Data Privacy

CountVisits takes data privacy seriously, ensuring full compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). This European Union law aims to protect individuals' personal data and requires businesses to be transparent about data collection practices. According to a guide on GDPR-compliant web analytics, key requirements include obtaining user consent, anonymizing data, providing data access and deletion rights, and promptly notifying authorities of any data breaches.

One of CountVisits' standout features is its cookie-free tracking approach, eliminating the need for persistent cookies that often raise privacy concerns. By avoiding the use of cookies, the platform ensures it does not collect or store any personal data that could identify individual users. This innovative tracking method aligns perfectly with GDPR's principles of data minimization and user privacy protection.

Transparent Data Handling

In addition to its cookie-free nature, CountVisits maintains transparency about its data collection and usage practices. The platform's privacy policy clearly outlines the types of data collected, how it is processed, and the measures taken to safeguard user privacy. This openness empowers website owners to make informed decisions about their analytics solution and fosters trust with their visitors.

By prioritizing data privacy through GDPR compliance, cookie-free tracking, and transparent data handling practices, CountVisits offers a compelling solution for businesses seeking reliable web analytics without compromising user privacy or facing regulatory hurdles.

Ready for @unicornplatform - CountVisits is fully integrated with Unicorn Platform

CountVisits seamlessly integrates with the Unicorn Platform, allowing users to easily incorporate its powerful web analytics capabilities into their Unicorn-based projects. As outlined on the CountVisits website, this integration enables users to visualize data from various sources in a unified dashboard, streamlining the process of gaining insights from multiple data streams.

Unified Data Visualization

The integration with Unicorn Platform empowers users to consolidate and visualize data from different sources within a single, intuitive interface. This centralized view eliminates the need to navigate between multiple tools, enhancing productivity and enabling data-driven decision-making.

Seamless Integration

CountVisits' seamless integration with the Unicorn Platform ensures a hassle-free setup process. Users can effortlessly incorporate CountVisits into their existing Unicorn-based projects, leveraging its advanced analytics capabilities without disrupting their existing workflows.

Customizable Dashboards

With CountVisits' user-friendly dashboard customization features, users can tailor their analytics experience to their specific needs. They can easily tweak the look and settings of their dashboards, ensuring a personalized and intuitive data visualization experience that aligns with their unique requirements.

By embracing CountVisits' integration with the Unicorn Platform, users can unlock a powerful combination of web analytics and platform capabilities, streamlining their data analysis and decision-making processes while benefiting from a seamless and customizable experience.

Tracks custom events easily - Track and analyze custom events with ease

Powerful Event Tracking

With CountVisits, you gain the ability to effortlessly track and analyze custom events on your website. This feature enables you to gain valuable insights into user behavior and interactions, empowering data-driven decision-making for your business.

Granular Event Analysis

The custom event tracking capabilities allow you to monitor specific actions performed by visitors on your site. Whether it's tracking clicks, form submissions, or any other relevant events, CountVisits provides granular data to help you optimize the user experience and conversion funnels.

Seamless Integration

Integrating custom event tracking is a seamless process, ensuring minimal disruption to your existing website setup. According to CountVisits, configuring event tracking is a crucial step in aligning your analytics setup with business objectives and gaining a comprehensive understanding of user behavior.

Data-Driven Optimization

By leveraging custom event tracking, you can identify areas for improvement and optimize your website accordingly. CountVisits' blog highlights the importance of event tracking in analyzing user behavior and optimizing conversions, ensuring your business stays ahead of the curve.

With its intuitive interface and powerful event tracking capabilities, CountVisits empowers small businesses to make informed decisions and drive growth through data-driven insights.

Daily reports/alerts directly to discord etc - Get daily updates and alerts directly to your preferred platform

As a busy founder, staying on top of your website's analytics can be a challenge. CountVisits makes it easy to receive daily reports and alerts directly on the platforms you prefer, such as Discord, Slack, or email.

Customizable Reporting

Tailor the frequency and content of your reports to suit your needs. Choose to receive daily, weekly, or monthly summaries with key metrics like pageviews, unique visitors, top traffic sources, and more.

Real-Time Alerts

Set up custom alerts to be notified in real-time when significant changes or events occur on your site. For example, you can get pinged on Discord if traffic spikes unexpectedly or if certain conversion goals are met.

Integrated Notifications

CountVisits seamlessly integrates with popular communication tools like Discord, Slack, and email clients. Get your analytics delivered directly to the channels and inboxes you already use, eliminating the need to juggle multiple dashboards.

With this convenient reporting and alerting system, you'll always have a pulse on your website's performance without having to actively monitor analytics dashboards. Stay informed and take action quickly, freeing up time to focus on growing your business.

Auto-alerts for traffic shifts - Stay informed about any significant changes in your traffic

As a busy founder or small business owner, keeping a close eye on your website's traffic can be challenging. That's where the auto-alerts feature of CountVisits comes in handy. This powerful tool automatically detects and alerts you about any significant shifts in your website's traffic patterns.

Instant Notifications

Never miss a beat when it comes to your website's performance. CountVisits' auto-alerts feature sends real-time notifications directly to your preferred platform, such as Discord, ensuring you stay informed about any sudden spikes or dips in traffic.

Identify Opportunities and Issues

These alerts not only keep you up-to-date but also help you quickly identify potential opportunities or issues. A sudden surge in traffic might indicate a successful marketing campaign or viral content, while a decline could signal technical problems or a shift in user behavior.

Proactive Monitoring

With auto-alerts, you don't have to constantly monitor your analytics dashboard. The tool does the heavy lifting for you, allowing you to focus on other critical aspects of your business while staying informed about your website's performance.

By leveraging the auto-alerts feature, you can stay ahead of the curve and make data-driven decisions to optimize your online presence, enhance user experience, and drive business growth.

External link tracking is a crucial feature for understanding user behavior and engagement on your website. CountVisits excels in this area, providing comprehensive insights into all clicks on external links from your site.

Knowing where your visitors are navigating away from your site is invaluable information. CountVisits meticulously monitors every external link click, giving you a clear picture of the popular destinations and potential lead sources.

Optimize User Journeys

With this data at your disposal, you can optimize user journeys and ensure your content aligns with visitor interests. Identify the external resources that resonate most with your audience and strategically incorporate them into your site's flow.

Measure Campaign Success

If you're running marketing campaigns that drive traffic to external sites, CountVisits' external link tracking becomes an indispensable tool for measuring success. Analyze the click-through rates and refine your strategies accordingly, maximizing your return on investment.

By keeping a watchful eye on all external link interactions, CountVisits empowers you to make data-driven decisions, enhance user experiences, and unlock new growth opportunities for your business.

Performance checks and alerts - Regular performance checks and alerts to keep your site running smoothly

Proactive Monitoring

Ensuring optimal website performance requires proactive monitoring tools that provide real-time insights. Open source solutions like Nagios, Prometheus, and Grafana enable comprehensive tracking of system health, application uptime, and potential issues. These flexible platforms allow customizing dashboards to prominently display key metrics tailored to different user roles.

Performance Testing

In addition to continuous monitoring, regular load testing simulates high-traffic scenarios to identify bottlenecks and optimize performance. Tools like JMeter, k6, and Gatling facilitate benchmarking and profiling system capabilities under various conditions. Integrating these assessments into automated CI/CD pipelines helps catch regressions early.

Alerting and Remediation

To ensure prompt action, monitoring systems should incorporate robust alerting mechanisms. Configuring thresholds for key metrics like response times, error rates, and resource utilization enables real-time notifications when issues arise. This allows teams to quickly investigate root causes and implement remediation measures, minimizing downtime.

By leveraging open source monitoring, testing, and alerting capabilities, small businesses can maintain high-performing websites without incurring substantial costs. These tools empower proactive optimization, ensuring smooth operations and an exceptional user experience.

Lighthouse reports - Get comprehensive Lighthouse reports for your site

Lighthouse is an open-source tool that audits websites for performance, accessibility, and best practices. As a busy founder, staying on top of your website's technical health is crucial for delivering an optimal user experience and maintaining search engine visibility.

With CountVisits, you gain access to comprehensive Lighthouse reports for your site. These detailed audits provide actionable insights to help you identify and address issues related to:


Lighthouse evaluates aspects like loading speed, interactivity, and visual stability. Slow load times can lead to high bounce rates and poor user engagement. The performance report highlights areas for optimization to ensure your site loads quickly across devices.


Accessibility is key for an inclusive web experience. Lighthouse checks for WCAG compliance and pinpoints accessibility barriers that may impact users with disabilities. Addressing these issues can open your site to a wider audience.

Best Practices

Adhering to web development best practices is essential for long-term maintainability and scalability. The report analyzes your site's code quality, security, and adherence to modern standards, helping you future-proof your web presence.

By leveraging CountVisits' Lighthouse reporting feature, you can stay ahead of the curve and ensure your site delivers a seamless, inclusive, and high-performing experience for all visitors, without the need for additional setup or tools.

AI Agent - Think of it as your employee from analytics department

An AI Analyst at Your Service

CountVisits positions itself as an AI-powered "employee from the analytics department" that provides insights like a human analyst. Designed specifically for busy founders, it leverages machine learning algorithms to interpret your website data and offer actionable recommendations.

Customized Dashboards, Tailored Insights

The AI agent enables you to easily build customized dashboards without any coding, tweak the look and settings, and visualize data from various sources in one unified view. It can track custom events, monitor performance shifts, and send timely alerts directly to your preferred channels.

Comprehensive Analytics Suite

Beyond standard web analytics, the AI agent offers a comprehensive suite of features. It generates Lighthouse reports, counts clicks on external links, and provides regular performance checks - all tailored to the unique needs of small businesses and SaaS founders.

Stay Ahead with AI-Driven Insights

By harnessing the power of AI, CountVisits aims to provide busy founders with a virtual analytics expert. Its AI agent can uncover valuable insights, automate routine tasks, and help you stay ahead of the curve in an increasingly data-driven landscape.

Unlimited We

Track Everything with Ease

With CountVisits, you can effortlessly track an unlimited number of websites without any restrictions. Say goodbye to the hassle of managing multiple analytics accounts or worrying about exceeding visit limits. According to the product website, CountVisits is designed to cater to the needs of busy founders, offering a fair usage policy that ensures you can track all your projects seamlessly.

Comprehensive Analytics Suite

CountVisits provides a comprehensive suite of analytics features to help you gain valuable insights into your website's performance. From tracking custom events and external link clicks to receiving daily reports and performance alerts, the tool offers a wide range of capabilities to streamline your analytics workflow.

Privacy and Compliance Prioritized

In today's data-driven landscape, privacy and compliance are paramount. CountVisits is designed to be GDPR-compliant, ensuring that your data collection practices adhere to the strictest privacy standards. With its cookie-free approach, you can track visitor behavior without compromising user privacy or facing regulatory hurdles.

What is the best website to get statistics?

Top Options for Free Web Analytics

From comprehensive tools like Google Analytics to open-source alternatives, there are numerous websites offering free web statistics and analytics. Two standout options worth considering are:

  • Google Analytics - Google's powerful and widely-used analytics platform provides detailed visitor metrics, behavior insights, and integrations with other Google products. It's highly customizable but requires some technical setup.

  • Plausible Analytics - This simple, privacy-focused analytics tool is easy to use and GDPR/CCPA compliant. While less feature-rich than Google Analytics, it offers a clean interface and respects user privacy by avoiding cookies and personal tracking.

Specialized Tools for Unique Needs

Depending on your specific requirements, you may want to explore more specialized web analytics tools like:

  • Hotjar for heatmaps, session recordings, and user feedback

  • Fathom Analytics for a lightweight, cookie-free alternative with a flat-fee pricing model

  • Open Web Analytics for an open-source, self-hosted option with granular data ownership

Many tools also integrate with popular website builders like Wix, Squarespace, and WordPress for seamless tracking.

Is there a free version of Google Analytics?

Google's Analytics Platform

Google Analytics is a powerful web analytics service offered by Google. However, it does not have a completely free version. The platform provides a free tier with limited functionality, but most comprehensive features require a paid subscription.

Open Source Alternatives

For those seeking a free web analytics solution, there are several excellent open source alternatives to consider. Matomo is a self-hosted, fully-featured analytics platform that is 100% free and open source. It offers data ownership, customizability, and transparency that Google Analytics lacks.

Another option is Plausible Analytics, a lightweight, privacy-focused tool with a free plan for up to 1 million pageviews per month. Simple Analytics is also free for up to 100k monthly pageviews.

Weighing the Options

While open source tools may not match Google Analytics' comprehensive feature set, they provide powerful capabilities for most small businesses. Key benefits include cost savings, data privacy, and flexibility through self-hosting and customization.

Ultimately, the choice depends on your specific needs, budget, and priorities around privacy and control over your website data. Open source analytics platforms offer a compelling free alternative for businesses valuing those factors over Google's more robust paid offering.

Is Google Analytics free for small business?

Basic Version Is Free

Google Analytics provides a free version that can be suitable for many small businesses. This basic tier offers core functionality to track website performance metrics like traffic sources, user behavior, audience demographics, and conversion rates. According to a source, the free Google Analytics is a cost-effective solution for small companies looking to gain insights into their website and digital marketing efforts without significant expenses.

Limitations of Free Google Analytics

However, the free version does have some limitations on data processing volumes and advanced reporting capabilities. Businesses with more complex analytics needs or higher traffic volumes may need to upgrade to a paid Google Analytics 360 subscription. This source notes that Google Analytics is not truly free for small businesses, as the free version restricts data processing and reporting features.

Open Source Alternatives

For small businesses prioritizing data privacy, control, and avoiding vendor lock-in, open source web analytics tools like Matomo, Plausible Analytics, and Simple Analytics offer viable alternatives to Google Analytics at no cost. As highlighted here, open source options provide full data ownership, customizability through access to source code, and a stronger focus on user privacy compared to Google Analytics.

The choice between Google Analytics and open source tools depends on specific business needs, technical capabilities, and priorities around cost, features, and data control.


In conclusion, leveraging free web analytics tools is crucial for small businesses aiming to optimize their online presence without straining their budgets. By utilizing platforms like Google Analytics, Matomo, and CountVisits, you can gain valuable insights into your website's performance, user behavior, and traffic sources. These tools empower you to make data-driven decisions, refine your marketing strategies, and enhance user experience. Remember, the key to success lies not just in collecting data, but in effectively interpreting and acting upon it. As you implement these free web statistics solutions, you'll be well-equipped to drive growth, increase conversions, and stay competitive in the digital landscape.

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